HABIT of continuous LEARNING

Life is the combination of thoughts, readings, discussions, decisions, actions , expressions and experiences.

So every professional should develop the HABIT of LEARNING to ignite & nurture the mind for leading the good to great life.

Tips to reignite your MOTIVATION @WORK

MOTIVATION is the dynamic force to empower the soul of the person towards the purpose of life.

MOTIVATION is the element of inspiring performance in working life as well as in personal life.

MOTIVATION is the invisible catalyst to accelerate the speed of the work with lot of happiness in doing work.


Any organization should be the dynamic & continuous process of working with lot of different minds together to achieve the common purpose as we are living in the world of VUCA.

  • Volatile situations
  • Uncertain challenges
  • Complex stake holders
  • Ambiguous customers.

To enhance and maintain the productive performance, any organization should develop the minds of treating work as their worship. The higher leadership should focus on reigniting the motivation from time to time towards meeting their objectives of the organization.

All motivation comes from within, it may be ignited or triggered by the rewards or recognitions that enhance the leadership intelligence of employees, officers, managers and head of the departments.

Any Organization has to provide the meaningful and engaging work to engage with the mission & vision, but also to create a sense of vitality, belongingness and fulfillment that empowers the organizational excellence and happiness.

Passion@ WORK practices sustains Human Capital.

Passion @ WORK to be installed by the following management practices.

  • MISSION of the organization to be imbibed in the minds of employees.
  • Doubts or blind spots if any to be removed by the leadership always.
  • Professional growth to be executed in tune interests of employee.
  • Welfare like housing – children education to be provided.
  • Appreciations @ Work to the value added employees to be done.
  • Recognitions & rewards to be given to the inspiring employees.
  • Outstanding performances to be celebrated in meetings.
  • Success stories of the employees to be published in magazines.
  • Decision makings, within the limits to be delegated.
  • Trainings & Learning expenses to be financed by management.
  • Opportunities for discovering their interests @work to be offered.
  • Culture of brain storming sessions & inspirational talks to be executed.
  • Trustworthiness & honesty to be established among employees.
  • Risk taking opportunities within the limits to be encouraged.
  • Management ethics @ work to be practiced by management.
  • Regular efforts to be done for motivating the employees.
  • Quality of work life to be maintained in the organization.
  • Creative minds for the better innovations to be empowered.
  • Every activity – every message – every discussion in meetings should be connected with the mission of the organization.

To empower the organization at any location, first we should empower the stake holders


JOB EXCELLENCE is the self responsibility.

Choose your professional approach for the JOB EXCELLENCE.

Choosing the right career is your own responsibility.

Choosing the suitable profession is always better than of choosing the demanding profession. 

Any profession describes the journey of a person in learning, working and living with continuous progress of life.


Your own responsibility is choosing your own profession. You may listen the opinions of others but you must obey your conscience. If once you make a mistake of choosing career then you will feel guilty in the remaining whole life. At any stage of life,  if  you feel that you do not like your profession or business, you should leave it immediately and search for a better alternative which you really admire.

The person who ignores the inspirations of the mind will goes in wrong direction by keeping the truth aside he will be inviting his own destruction. There is no religion higher than the inner voice. To succeed in any profession or business one should follow the voice of heart but not the voice of brain.

Do not choose a profession only because there is a lot of money in that. Feel the significance of the professional contribution towards developing the human dignity and happiness in society. Choosing the admiring career helps to develop the personality in physical , mental, intellectual ,social and spiritual dimensions apart from attracting the lot of wealth also.

There are so many works in this world to do. Choosing the work which suits best to your personality empowers your JOB EXCELLENCE which helps to lead the pleasurable life.