Mind Mapping helps to improve the Memory Power

A mind map is a kind of framework. It is a way of helping you to organize, visualize and summarize. Its purpose is to give you a better way to store information on one page.

Many topics can be studied and revised easier and more meaningfully by making a mind map. 

Mind maps can be made by hand or by using a special program on the computer.

Mind maps can be used to:

-take notes in class

-take notes from a text book

-find main ideas

-plan an essay for homework or in an exam

-revise for exams

-brainstorm ideas

Mind Maps will help you see the structure of a subject, the important facts and how they are linked.

National Council for Special Education
  • Use pictures or symbols. They may be better than words for you.
  • Use colour for different branches, ideas or links.
  • Use colour to make things stand out.
  • Think in 3-D.
  • Use arrows to show links between different parts.
  • Don’t get stuck in one area. If you dry up in one area, go to another branch.
  • Put ideas down as they come to you, wherever they fit. You don’t have to finish one part, before starting another.
  • Don’t judge or hold back.
  • If you run out of space, don’t start a new sheet; paste more paper onto the map.


CREATIVITY IGNITES the MIND to boost the flow of ecstasy while learning the new concepts.

HRD Minds

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