Passion@ WORK practices sustains Human Capital.

Passion @ WORK to be installed by the following management practices.

  • MISSION of the organization to be imbibed in the minds of employees.
  • Doubts or blind spots if any to be removed by the leadership always.
  • Professional growth to be executed in tune interests of employee.
  • Welfare like housing – children education to be provided.
  • Appreciations @ Work to the value added employees to be done.
  • Recognitions & rewards to be given to the inspiring employees.
  • Outstanding performances to be celebrated in meetings.
  • Success stories of the employees to be published in magazines.
  • Decision makings, within the limits to be delegated.
  • Trainings & Learning expenses to be financed by management.
  • Opportunities for discovering their interests @work to be offered.
  • Culture of brain storming sessions & inspirational talks to be executed.
  • Trustworthiness & honesty to be established among employees.
  • Risk taking opportunities within the limits to be encouraged.
  • Management ethics @ work to be practiced by management.
  • Regular efforts to be done for motivating the employees.
  • Quality of work life to be maintained in the organization.
  • Creative minds for the better innovations to be empowered.
  • Every activity – every message – every discussion in meetings should be connected with the mission of the organization.

To empower the organization at any location, first we should empower the stake holders


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